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Blog Articles & Case Studies
Grab a coffee and geek out on some of our thoughts on creative pedagogy. This page lets you unlock insights, tips, and expert advice to elevate your school improvement journey. There are also some case studies which showcase the impact we have had with schools.
Self Evaluation Made Simple
Albert Einstein is reported to have said, “If you can’t explain it, you don’t understand it well enough.” I love this statement as it drives at the heart of good teaching and leadership. However, all too often in education, we tend to try to overcomplicate things. How simple can you make your SEF?
Eight things to consider when writing your SEF
There is no one way to write a school self-evaluation, but as well as writing statements, this publication includes some tips which may help. The SEF has no agreed or preferred layout. What is most important is the clarity of the information within the self-evaluation. Estyn will want to know that school leaders understand what is going well and have plans for what needs work. A good SEF is a ‘work in progress’. Here are RLC’s 8 Top Tips
An Inspector Calls: Simple tips for AoLE leaders once you have the call
An Inspector Calls!! Here are simple tips and hints for leaders of an AoLE in the run-up to an inspection. Hopefully, this will give you peace of mind in the dreaded 10 days.
Are You Responsible for Leading and AoLE?
Are you responsible for Leading an Area of Learning and Experience? The first key question is why have an AoLE leader in the first place, and what should a good one be doing anyway? Let RLC help you get the role in perspective