Online Programmes
Inspirational programmes for your organisations professional development
Flexible Staff Training at Your Convenience - Tailored to Your Schedule.
Acquiring an Online Course gives your school access to the Right Learning Company. Your school's online course collection is available at the convenience of your staff and setting, anytime, anywhere. Once purchased, there are no limits on how many times you can access them. The majority of our online courses include a series of training sessions, complete with all the resources and handouts typically provided during our in-person training sessions.
Some of our online courses have been professionally recorded in live sessions, while others feature expertly narrated voice-over PowerPoints. This blend of pre-recorded lessons, digital presentations, videos, and voice-over PowerPoints still encapsulates the personal, down-to-earth approach that the Right Learning Company courses are renowned for. But all of the programme will help develop that ‘Creative Pedagogy’ that we talk about so often
Leadership Programmes
RLC offer a range of high-quality leadership programmes that have proven organisational impact, for all levels of leadership. Starting with ‘Leading your AoLE’ to ‘Managing your Inspection effectively’.
Coaching Programmes
RLC believe in a coaching approach to leadership and teaching. Whether you are starting with coaching, want one-to-one coaching or want to use the DISC system to understand yourself and your staff, we have a solution for your school.
Teaching and Learning Programmes
Creative Pedagogy starts in the classroom. Focused on learning, creativity, assessment, progress our programmes also provide a stepping stone for classroom practitioners to develop their careers.