Closing the Achievement Gap
“Most of the differences in achievement in Wales occur within schools. This indicates that Wales’ school system is relatively inclusive but simultaneously points out the challenge for schools to respond to students' individual learning needs, which may vary considerably within schools and classes.”
(OECD, 2014, p.5).
1-3 Children in Wales live in poverty, and this has a significant impact on the progress they make. The Thorny issue of poverty and PDG still needs to be resolved effectively in many schools. This programme is for school leaders and those responsible for vulnerable learners. This programme will detail the three main challenges facing schools in Wales: literacy, school, and company challenges. Through the session, you will receive practical examples of strategies based on the latest educational research that teachers can implement to close the achievement gap in the classroom and how to channel grant funding to have the most significant impact.
The Course Objectives include
What is quality literacy teaching, and how does this impact FSM pupils?
How can we promote positive learning environments for FSM pupils?
What do effective peer tutoring and self/peer assessment look like?
How can we develop effective collaboration and metacognition to accelerate the progress of FSM pupils?
Where would we target grant funding to be more effective?
This programme is available as a face-to-face course and online and as an in-service for schools.