Self Evaluation Made Simple

This new programme is designed for heads and senior leaders responsible for the school’s development planning and the self-evaluation cycle. As part of this half-day session, delegates will look at the new common inspection framework and how this will have an impact on the school’s development planning and self-evaluation cycle. Each section of the new framework is covered with critical questions to help provoke reflection and provide a basis for revisiting existing SDPs/SEFs. The relevant grade descriptors are provided as a benchmark to help guide schools. As part of the session, we will also explore how to structure workshops and meetings to make the self-evaluation cycle more inclusive and collaborative.

 Course objectives:

  • Is your school’s context fully addressed, and how is this impacting curriculum design and assessment?

  • How can I streamline the self-evaluation system?

  • How can we write a SEF in a world where Estyn no longer give headline judgments?

  • What are the common strengths and potential pitfalls of self-evaluation?

  • What key questions must I ask when considering provisions and standards?

  • How can I structure meetings and my SEF timetable simply so that all stakeholders can feed into the SEF and talk about this in an Estyn READY ALREADY way?

  • As part of this training, all delegates will receive a copy of the “Self-Evaluation Made Simple” resource worth £60.00. 

If you would like more information from RLC or would like this as an Inset, twilight or cluster day, please get in touch.