Understanding DISC

At RLC, we offer the opportunity to use the DiSC Profile, which is designed to provide personalised insights to improve teamwork, communication, and workplace culture. DiSC measures your personality and behavioural style in various situations, for example, how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, your preferred pace and how you respond to rules and procedures. Throughout the day, we will explore how understanding DiSC can make you a more effective leader and coach and how it will help you understand the behaviours and attitudes of those around you.

Course objectives

  • Learning to read the DISC profile to understand yourself and those in your team.

  • Understanding how self-awareness and social awareness build high-performing teams.

  • Using DISC profiling to get the best of your staff and influence school improvement planning.

  • This programme is available as a face-to-face course and online as well as available as an in-service for schools.